
A collection of presentations related to dairy farm management that complement decision support tools.

2023            (Number of talks = 2 | Attendees = 60)
12/05 The DairyBrain: from data to effective decision making on dairy farms. Dairy Production class. UW-River Falls. | 10 Attendees
01/31 DairyPrint model: Helping dairy farmers towards higher sustainability. UW-Madison Division of Extension, Badger Dairy Insights. | 50 Attendees
2021            (Number of talks = 2 | Attendees = 300)
03/02 Is it profitable to use exclusively sexed and beef semen on dairy cows? UW-Madison Division of Extension Badger Dairy Insights | 100 Attendees
02/16 The UW-Dairy Brain: A Continuous Data-Driven Decision-Making Engine. UW-Madison Division of Extension Badger Dairy Insights | 200 Attendees
2020            (Number of talks = 7 | Attendees = 650)
08/12 decision making tools. UW-Ag Institute Monthly meeting. | 30 Attendees
05/26 Dropping milking frequency from 3x to 2x. Professional Dairy Producers of Wisconsin Dairy Signal Series. | 250 Attendees
05/06 UW-Madison Dairy Management decision-making tools that could support effective strategies to reducing milk production. Managing the surplus: Strategies for reducing milk production. UW-Madison Division of Extension. Dairy Program. | 300 Attendees
04/08 Tools available for nutrition, dry cow, and culling strategies on dairy farms. UW-Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems. | 20 Attendees
04/03 Economics and sustainability of using beef semen on dairy farms. UW-Madison Division of Extension. Dairy Program. | 30 Attendees
03/25 Beef x Dairy decision making. Livestock Program monthly meeting. UW-Madison Division. | 0 Attendees
02/13 Dairy Brain kick off meeting. The next big leap in dairy farm management using coordinated data ecosystems. De Pere, Brown Co., WI. | 20 Attendees
2018            (Number of talks = 4 | Attendees = 250)
07/10 Is Premium Beef Program an Option for Your Dairy Farm? Wisconsin Farm Technology Days. Wood County, WI. | 20 Attendees
03/14 Data up to your eye balls. 2018 Professional Dairy Producers of Wisconsin Business Conference, Madison, WI. | 100 Attendees
03/01 Economics of using Beef Semen on low genomic Holstein females. Cros-Bred Program. Abbotsford, WI | 30 Attendees
01/09 Premium beef programs: an option for your dairy farm? 2018 Cow College. Fox Valley Technical College, Clintonville, WI. | 100 Attendees
2017            (Number of talks = 1 | Attendees = 0)
06/14 Feeding strategies and economic returns in robotic milking systems. Four-State Dairy Nutrition and Management Conference. Dubuque, IA. | 0 Attendees
2016            (Number of talks = 1 | Attendees = 0)
11/18 Research and extension at 2015/2016 sabbatical in Spain – Webinar. | 0 Attendees
2015            (Number of talks = 1 | Attendees = 150)
01/06-01/26 Management Tools to Increase Dairy Cow Feed Efficiency. Wisconsin Feed Efficiency Workshop. Eau Claire, WI | 150 Attendees (Presentation)
2014            (Number of talks = 2 | Attendees = 16)
08/13 Results of organic dairy economic survey. University of Wisconsin Organic Agriculture Field Day. Arlington, WI. | 0 Attendees (Presentation)
02/27 Dairy management tools. Central Wisconsin Dairy Series. Elroy, WI. | 16 Attendees (Presentation)
2013            (Number of talks = 6 | Attendees = 383)
08/13 Results of organic dairy economic survey. University of Wisconsin Organic Agriculture Field Day. Arlington, WI. | 60 Attendees (Presentation)
08/13 Heifer pregnancy rate. UW-Extension, Agricultural and Natural Resources, Dairy Team monthly Wisline. Madison, WI. | 13 Attendees
06/26 Grouping Strategies for Feeding Lactating Dairy Cattle. Farm Business and Production Management instructors at the WAAE summer conference, Green Bay, WI. | 18 Attendees (Presentation)
04/09 Integrated dairy farm economic and environmental assessment of management strategies. Madison, WI. | 0 Attendees (Presentation)
02/01 Grouping strategies for feeding lactating dairy cattle. Progressive Operators Seminar Series 2013. Cleveland, WI. | 0 Attendees (Presentation)
01/02-01/31 The economic value of a dairy cow, the value of a pregnancy, the cost of a pregnancy lost and their relationship with reproduction performance. 2013 Repro Money Roadshow Series: Reproducing Profitability, WI, 13 locations: Sauk, Columbia, Barron, Dunn/Chippewa, Polk, St. Croix, Trempealeau, Jackson, Fond du Lac, Sheboygan, Brown, Kewaunee, Iowa, Grant, Carwford, Vernon. | 292 Attendees (Presentation)
2012            (Number of talks = 11 | Attendees = 505)
12/11-12/12 Dairy management tools. Center for Dairy Profitability/Wisconsin Farm Service Agency. AgFA/FSA Trainings, WI, 2 locations: Menomonie and Stevens Point. | 40 Attendees
11/16 FeedVal 2012 discussion. UW-Extension, Agricultural and Natural Resources, Wisline & Go-To-Webinar (20 locations). Madison, WI. | 20 Attendees
11/01 FeedVal 2012. 2012 Quality Milk Council Farm Barn Meeting. Bruce and Brenda Long Farm, New London, WI. | 16 Attendees (Presentation)
09/25-09/26 Move, Keep, or Cull Her: Tool for Group Feeding Decisions. PDPW Feed & Nutrition Conference: Decision, Alternatives, Strategies, WI. 2 Locations: Stevens Point and Madison. | 0 Attendees (Presentation)
09/25-09/26 Move, Keep, or Cull Her: Tool for Culling Decisions. PDPW Feed & Nutrition Conference: Decision, Alternatives, Strategies, WI. 2 Locations: Stevens Point and Madison. | 82 Attendees (Presentation)
08/21 Reproductive decision-making tools. Accelerated Genetics update for field representative personnel. Baraboo, WI. | 8 Attendees (Presentation)
08/14 Feeding strategies for challenging times: FeedVal 2012 and valuation of drought stressed corn silage. UW-Extension, WI. 2 locations: Millhome and Kaukauna. | 40 Attendees (Presentation)
06/15 FeedVal 2012: A tool to estimate the real value of dairy feed ingredients. UW-Extension, Agricultural and Natural Resources, Dairy Team monthly Wisline (8 locations). Madison, WI. | 25 Attendees
04/10 The economic value of a dairy cow. Wisconsin Department of Agriculture Trade and Consumer Protection Monthly Dairy Meeting. Madison, WI. | 22 Attendees (Presentation)
02/21-01/17 The economic value of improving reproductive efficiency. Repro Money Road Show, WI. 11 locations: Gillet, Shawano, Barron, Vernon, Portage, Footbridge, Seymour, Hixton, Stratford, Waldo, and Fond Du Lac. | 238 Attendees (Presentation) (TV Interview)
02/15 Economic grouping strategies for feeding lactating dairy cattle and tweaking your reproductive programs for improved profit. Farm business and production management: Large dairy producer forum. Barron, WI. | 14 Attendees (Presentation)
2011            (Number of talks = 12 | Attendees = 707)
12/08 Grouping strategies for feeding lactating dairy cattle. UW-Arlington Dairy Day. Arlington, WI. | 140 Attendees (Presentation)
10/27 Grouping strategies for feeding lactating dairy cattle. UW-Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources. Wisconsin Dells, WI. | 40 Attendees (Presentation)
10/26 Successful USDA NIFA AFRI Grants. UW-Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources. Wisconsin Dells, WI. | 30 Attendees (Presentation)
08/19 Grouping strategies for feeding lactating dairy cattle. UW-Extension, Agricultural and Natural Resources, Dairy Team monthly Wisline (6 locations). Madison, WI. | 15 Attendees (Presentation)
05/25 Economics of reproduction on dairy cattle. UW-Extension Eastern District Repro Money training. Cleveland,WI. | 10 Attendees (Presentation)
04/08 Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy. Grand Cheese company headquarters meeting. Madison, WI. | 10 Attendees (Presentation)
03/29 Economics of reproduction in dairy cattle. Complete feed service, new ideas in rations and management. Elkhorn, WI. | 25 Attendees
03/08 Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy. Prairie States Genetics meeting. Madison, WI. | 10 Attendees (Presentation)
02/14 Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy. Outlook Webinar Series (16 locations). Madison, WI | 150 Attendees
01/28 Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy. Lakeshore Technical College Progressive Operators Dairy Nutrition. Cleveland, WI. | 90 Attendees (Presentation)
01/20 Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy. Outlook Webinar Series (16 locations). Madison, WI. | 150 Attendees (Presentation)
01/19 Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy. Clark County Webinar. Madison, WI | 37 Attendees
2010            (Number of talks = 28 | Attendees = 652)
12/14 Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy. Outlook Webinar Series (12 locations). Madison, WI | 100 Attendees
12/08 Economics of reproductive programs in dairy cattle. UW-Arlington Dairy Day. Arlington, WI. | 25 Attendees (Presentation)
12/02 Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy. Southwest Technical College meeting. Dodgeville, WI. | 15 Attendees
11/17 Economics of reproductive programs in dairy cattle. Eastern District meeting. Green Bay, WI. | 8 Attendees
11/17 UW-DairyRepro$: A tool to assess the economic value of reproductive performance. Dairy optimist group. Sauk City, WI. | 0 Attendees (Presentation)
11/16 Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy. Outlook Webinar Series (12 locations). Madison, WI | 50 Attendees
10/26 Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy. Outlook Webinar Series (8 locations). Madison, WI | 25 Attendees
10/20 The Wisconsin Dairy Ratio Benchmark tool. All UW-Extension Annual meeting. Madison, WI. | 22 Attendees (Presentation)
09/23 UW-DairyRepro$: A tool to assess the economic value of reproductive performance. Alta Genetics Dairy Manager School. Watertown, WI. | 0 Attendees (Presentation)
09/21 Organic and grazing farmers survey training. Training to DATCP, WASS enumerators. Richland, WI. | 16 Attendees
09/21 Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy. Outlook Webinar Series (6 locations). Madison, WI | 25 Attendees
09/20 Organic and grazing farmers survey training. Training to DATCP, WASS enumerators. Richland, WI. | 15 Attendees
09/16 The Wisconsin Dairy Ratio Benchmark, the Expansion, and LGM-Dairy tools. Fox Valley and Lakeshore financial annual meeting. Manitowoc, WI. | 20 Attendees
09/14 UW-DairyRepro$: A tool to assess the economic value of reproductive performance. CRI-Genex National Meeting. Shawano, WI. | 0 Attendees
08/24 Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy. Outlook Webinar Series (2 locations). Madison, WI | 15 Attendees
08/11 The Wisconsin Dairy Management Tools. Center for Dairy Profitability Bootcamp. Wisconsin Dells, WI. | 30 Attendees
08/11 The Wisconsin Dairy Ratio Benchmark tool. Center for Dairy Profitability Bootcamp. Wisconsin Dells, WI. | 30 Attendees
07/27 Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy. Outlook Webinar Series (2 locations). Madison, WI | 10 Attendees
06/16 Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy least cost contracts. Fox Valley Technical College meeting. Clintonville, WI. | 30 Attendees (Description Here)
04/30 Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy least cost contracts. Lenders farm management meeting. Kimberly, WI. | 50 Attendees (none) (none2)
03/17 The Wisconsin Dairy Ratio Benchmark tool. North Central Risk Management and Education Center, Annie’s Project. Tomah, WI. | 8 Attendees
03/17 Decision Support System for Dairy Expansion and Modernization. North Central Risk Management and Education Center, Annie’s Project. Tomah, WI. | 8 Attendees
03/11 UW-DairyRepro$: A tool to assess the economic value of reproductive performance. Johnson Creek peer group meeting. Lake Mills, WI. | 0 Attendees (Presentation)
03/05 The Wisconsin Dairy Ratio Benchmark tool. North Central Risk Management and Education Center, Heart of the Farm. Neenah, WI. | 13 Attendees
02/19 Grazing feed supplementation. Grazing Conference. Wisconsin Rapids, WI. | 40 Attendees
02/11 Wisconsin Dairy Management decision support systems. Dairy Optimists meeting. Prairie Du Sac, WI. | 12 Attendees (Presentation)
01/12 Economics of using sexed semen. Cow College 2010. Clintonville, WI. | 35 Attendees (Presentation)
01/08 Successful AFRI NIFA proposals. UW-Extension Agriculture and Natural Resource meeting. Madison, WI. | 50 Attendees (Presentation)
2009            (Number of talks = 20 | Attendees = 774)
12/04 Wisconsin Dairy Management decision support systems. Dairy meeting. Waldo, WI. | 20 Attendees (Presentation)
08/20 Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy. UW-Extension, Agricultural and Natural Resources, Dairy Team monthly Wisline (8 locations). Madison, WI. | 30 Attendees (Presentation)
07/02 Income over feed cost and feed cost evaluator tools. Wisconsin vocational teachers annual meeting. Middleton, WI. | 25 Attendees (Presentation)
06/16 Economics of reproductive programs. Larson Acres producer meeting. Evansville, WI. | 60 Attendees (Presentation)
06/05 Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy. Badgerland Financial workshop. Fond Du Lac, WI. | 22 Attendees
04/27 Five Decision Support tools for dairy decision making. Flying farmers of Wisconsin. Madison, WI. | 25 Attendees (Presentation)
03/16 Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy full day workshop. North Central Risk Management and Education Center project. Taylor, WI. | 8 Attendees
03/15 Five Decision Support tools for dairy decision making. Center for Dairy Profitability bootcamp. Marshfield, WI. | 20 Attendees (Presentation)
03/13 Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy full day workshop. North Central Risk Management and Education Center project. Brillion, WI. | 7 Attendees
03/11 Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy full day workshop. North Central Risk Management and Education Center project. GreenBay, WI. | 13 Attendees
03/06 Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy full day workshop. North Central Risk Management and Education Center project. Madison, WI. | 13 Attendees
03/06 Price risk management. North Central Risk Management and Education Center, Heart of the Farm. Oshkosh, WI. | 9 Attendees (Presentation)
03/03 Price risk management. Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation meeting. Madison, WI. | 21 Attendees
03/03 USDA Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Integrated Programs. UW-Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources meeting. Madison, WI. | 45 Attendees (Presentation)
02/20 The income over feed supplement cost tool. UW-Extension, Agricultural and Natural Resources, Dairy Team monthly Wisline (5 locations). Madison, WI. | 15 Attendees
02/11 Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy full day workshop. North Central Risk Management and Education Center project. Platteville, WI. | 5 Attendees (Presentation)
02/03 Dairy price risk management with Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy. Milk quality conference. Madison, WI. | 150 Attendees (Presentation)
01/19 The income over feed supplement cost tool. VitaPlus meeting. Madison, WI. | 9 Attendees
01/16-01/06 Price risk management in dairy farming by using the Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy insurance. UW-Extension Road Show, WI. 13 locations: Suring, Casco, Stratford, Plover, Eau Claire, Rice Lake, Amery, Spring Valley, Antigo, Owen, Gilman, Melrose, Spring Green. | 235 Attendees (Presentation)
01/05 The income over feed supplement cost and LGM-Dairy tools. Cow College. Waupaka, WI. | 42 Attendees (Presentation)
2008            (Number of talks = 15 | Attendees = 436)
12/19 Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy. UW-Extension, Agricultural and Natural Resources, Dairy Team monthly Wisline (5 locations). Madison, WI. | 15 Attendees
12/12 Feed efficiency in dairy cattle. Dairy Herd Management and Health Clinic, WI. 2 locations: Bargo and Arcadia. | 42 Attendees (Presentation)
12/11 Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy. Clark County meeting. Loyal, WI. | 30 Attendees
12/10 Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy. UW-Arlington Dairy Day. Arlington, WI. | 25 Attendees (Presentation)
12/10 Feed efficiency in dairy cattle. UW-Arlington Dairy Day. Arlington, WI. | 120 Attendees (Presentation)
12/02 Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy. AgriServe meeting. Madison, WI. | 17 Attendees (Presentation)
11/20 Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy. Progressive Dairy Producers of Wisconsin, Production Management Symposium. Appleton, WI. | 23 Attendees (Presentation)
10/16 Corn substitution in dairy cattle diets. UW-Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources. Wisconsin Dells, WI. | 10 Attendees (Presentation)
09/19 Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy. UW-Extension, Agricultural and Natural Resources, Dairy Team monthly Wisline (5 locations). Madison, WI. | 15 Attendees
09/12 Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy. Farm Management Update Seminar. Kimberly, WI. | 50 Attendees (Presentation)
08/28 Corn substitution in dairy cattle diets. UW-Extension Agricultural Prices Special Conference. Wisconsin Dells, WI. | 40 Attendees (Presentation)
07/05 Test presentation July 5 | 11 Attendees
06/25 Financial decision-making. Farm Management Meeting. Valders, WI. | 14 Attendees
06/20 Corn substitution in dairy cattle diets. UW-Extension, Agricultural and Natural Resources, Dairy Team monthly Wisline (6 locations). Madison, WI. | 20 Attendees
06/13 Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy. Eastern District Meeting. Appleton, WI. | 4 Attendees
2024               (Number of talks = 1 | Attendees = 471)
04/18 DairyPrint Model: Helping dairy farmers towards higher sustainability. Dairy Cattle Webinar. Ohio State University Extension. | 471 Attendees (Recording)
2023               (Number of talks = 3 | Attendees = 600)
02/28 DairyPrint model: Helping dairy farmers towards higher sustainability. 2023 Manure Summit. Lambeau Field, Green Bay | 100 Attendees
02/21 Improving dairy farm efficiency through reproductive performance. 2023 Vermont Dairy Producers Conference. South Burlington., Vermont. | 200 Attendees
02/09-02/24 DairyPrint model: Helping dairy farmers towards higher sustainability. 2023 CAFO Update. Fond du Lac, Green Bay, Jefferson, Darlington, Eau Claire, and Marshfield. | 300 Attendees
2022               (Number of talks = 5 | Attendees = 610)
11/17 Impact of the voluntary waiting period, the dry period length and its interactions. Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council Annual Meeting. Middleton, Wisconsin. | 150 Attendees
09/23 Decision making for sexed semen and beef semen in dairy production. American Association of Bovine Practitioners Annual Meeting. Long Beach California. | 150 Attendees
09/08 Evaluation of sexed and beef semen using the RuFaS model. University of Missouri Webinar series. | 100 Attendees
06/30 Connected technologies: what farmers really need, panel. Data and Innovations Summit. 2022 National Holstein Convention. 27 June 01 July 2022, Sioux Falls, SD | 160 Attendees
01/25 Diving into dairy data projects. UW-Madison Division of Extension, Badger Dairy Insights. | 50 Attendees
2021               (Number of talks = 7 | Attendees = 1085)
11/04 Decision making on sexed semen, beef semen, and replacement right sizing. Western Dairy Management Conference. November 2-4, 2021. Reno, Nevada | 300 Attendees
09/25 The Dairy Brain concept: Integrating dairy farm data streams for improving decision making. Academy of Dairy Veterinary Consultants. September 24-25, Albuquerque, New Mexico | 25 Attendees
09/23 Nutritional strategies with decision support tools and the DairyBrain project. 82nd Minnesota Nutrition Conference, September 22-23, 2021, Mayo Clinic Health System Event Center, Mankato, MN | 150 Attendees
09/22 The Dairy Brain project: Data Integration and Dairy Welfare. Dairy Cattle Welfare Council Webinar Series. | 200 Attendees
08/05 The Dairy Brain project: From data to insights. Jefo Nutrition Inc. peer group meetings. | 10 Attendees
02/17 The economic impact of reproductive efficiency. Fatty Acid Forum, Virtus Nutrition. | 200 Attendees
01/20 Managing metrics to increase dairy sustainability. DBA Dairy Strong Conference-Sustainability and Stewardship. | 200 Attendees
2020               (Number of talks = 5 | Attendees = 2000)
12/22 Data and technologies on dairy farms. Pharm Robotics conversation. | 200 Attendees
12/17 Beef on Dairy. Bovinews Webinar. | 100 Attendees
11/08 The University of Wisconsin Dairy Brain: The future of dairy management decisions based on big data analytics. Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council. Keynote Speaker. | 0 Attendees
09/14 The Dairy Brain project: From data to insights. Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Virtual Conference. | 400 Attendees
03/05 Economics and sustainability of beef semen use on dairy farms. 2020 Dairy Producers Meeting – Shady Maple Banquet and Conference Center, East Earl, Pennsylvania. | 1300 Attendees
2019               (Number of talks = 7 | Attendees = 840)
11/14 Beef x Dairy: Fad or sustainable future? Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council Annual Meeting, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. | 300 Attendees
11/12 Maximizing income over feed costs. Increasing profitability series. Webinar Nebraska Extension Service. | 30 Attendees
03/27 Developing a Dairy Brain. Central Plains Dairy Expo, Sioux Falls, South Dakota. | 40 Attendees
03/06 Model based dairy management decision making tools. Agri-King 2019 Progressive Dairy Forum, Del Curley Conference Center, Fulton, Illinois. | 40 Attendees
02/27 Economics of beef semen on dairy cattle. Western Dairy Management Conference, Reno, Nevada. | 300 Attendees
01/23 Developing a Virtual Dairy Farm Brain. Spring 2019 Seminars open to the Cornell Community. Ithaca, New York. | 50 Attendees
01/22 Developing a Virtual Dairy Farm Brain. 2019 Operations Managers Conference. Cornell Pro-DAIRY Program, Syracuse, New York. | 80 Attendees
2018               (Number of talks = 1 | Attendees = 400)
02/06 What are the economic advantages of grouping and feeding dairy cows by nutritional need? Proceedings of 29th Annual Florida Ruminant Nutrition Symposium. Gainesville, FL. | 400 Attendees
2017               (Number of talks = 6 | Attendees = 1135)
11/09 Breeding decision dilemma: What type of semen should I use? Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council Annual Convention. Reno, NV. | 100 Attendees
11/08 Capitalizing on improved fertility: What are my options? Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council Annual Convention. Reno, NV. Preconference seminar | 300 Attendees
07/18 Nutritional considerations in robotic herds. Dairy Robotics Workshop. University of Nebraska Extension. Plainview, NE. | 120 Attendees
06/14 Feeding strategies and economic returns in robotic milking systems. Four-State Dairy Nutrition and Management Conference. Dubuque, IA. | 300 Attendees
05/24 Economics of nutritional grouping. Lely North America FMS Conference. Fair Oaks Farms, IN. | 300 Attendees
04/10 Critical aspects to improve dairy farm feed efficiency. Parnell meeting. Kansas City, MO. | 15 Attendees
2016               (Number of talks = 1 | Attendees = 50)
07/13 Importance and use of data to evaluate reproduction economics. 2016 Parnell Forum - The Power of Data. Napa Valley, California. | 50 Attendees
2015               (Number of talks = 2 | Attendees = 150)
11/13 Tools for making economic reproductive decisions. Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council. 2015 Annual Meeting. Buffalo, NY. | 150 Attendees (Presentation)
05/08 Genomic testing decision support tool. Four State Dairy Nutrition and Management, Planning Meeting. Dubuque, IA | 0 Attendees (Presentation)
2014               (Number of talks = 1 | Attendees = 0)
05/28 Genomic testing decision support tool for Jersey dairy calves. | 0 Attendees (Presentation)
2013               (Number of talks = 6 | Attendees = 16)
11/13 Practical online decision support tools for dairy farm management. Penn State Extension Dairy Cattle Nutrition Workshop. Grantville, PA. | 0 Attendees
10/31 Development of a genomic testing decision support tool for Jersey dairy calves. ZOETIS Thought Leader Workshop. Kalamazoo, MI. | 0 Attendees (Presentation)
04/08 Economic analysis tools for dairy reproduction programs. DAIRxNET Webinar. | 16 Attendees (Presentation) (Webinar)
03/26 Improving reproductive and economic performance using serum and milk based pregnancy test. | 0 Attendees (Presentation)
02/11 New dairy software tools and they are free. Hoard's Dairyman Webinar. | 0 Attendees (Presentation) (Webinar)
01/23 FeedVal 2012: An online decision tool to interactively estimate market value of dairy feed ingredients. 2013 Midwest Forage Association Symposium. Wisconsin Dells, WI. | 0 Attendees (Presentation)
2012               (Number of talks = 5 | Attendees = 369)
10/31 Dairy feed values, options and decision-making tools. 26th Annual Tri-State Agricultural Lender's Seminar. Dubuque, IA. | 140 Attendees (Presentation)
06/13 Grouping strategies for feeding lactating dairy cattle. Four-State Dairy Nutrition and Management Conference. Dubuque, IA. 2 times. | 130 Attendees (Presentation)
05/04-05/02 Evaluation of using male and female sexed semen in dairy cattle. CRI-Genex Cooperative, Inc. Meeting. TX. 2 locations: Stephenville, Muleshoe. | 34 Attendees (Presentation)
02/01 The integrated farm system model. Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering. University of Florida. Gainesville, FL. | 25 Attendees (Presentation)
01/31 Modeling dairy farm livelihoods. Outstanding Alumni Award, School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Florida. Gainesville, FL. | 40 Attendees (Presentation) (Broadcast)
2011               (Number of talks = 6 | Attendees = 515)
11/11 Economics of resynchronization with chemical test to identify non-pregnant cows. Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council Annual Meeting. Kansas City, MO. | 60 Attendees (Presentation)
09/01 Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy. Crop Insurance Industry Workshop Webinar. Bowie, MA. | 30 Attendees
07/12 The need for applied research and decision support tools in dairy farm management and decision-making. American Dairy Science Association Foundation Lecture. New Orleans, LA. | 100 Attendees (Presentation)
05/11 The value of heat detection combined with synchronization reproductive programs. American Dairy Science Association 21st Discover Conference. Itasca, IL. | 150 Attendees (Presentation)
05/10 The economic value of improving the 21-day pregnancy rate in dairy cattle. American Dairy Science Association 21st Discover Conference. Itasca, IL. | 150 Attendees (Presentation)
05/06 Dairy reproductive economic analysis. Four-State Dairy Nutrition and Management Conference Planning Meeting. Dubuque, IA. | 25 Attendees (Presentation)
2010               (Number of talks = 9 | Attendees = 548)
11/12 Reproduction economics in dairy cattle. Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council Annual Meeting. St. Paul, MN. | 300 Attendees (Presentation)
11/09 Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy. Tri-State Ag Lenders meeting. Dubuque, IA. | 100 Attendees
11/09 The dairy feed cost evaluator database tool. Tri-State Ag Lenders meeting. Dubuque, IA. | 0 Attendees (Presentation)
06/10 The dairy feed cost evaluator database tool. Four-State Dairy Nutrition and Management Conference. Dubuque, IA. 2 times. | 50 Attendees (Presentation)
04/27 Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy least cost tool. Pennsylvania State University Webinar. Harrisburg, PA. | 20 Attendees
02/05 Value of sexed semen. Ohio Dairy Health and Management Certificate Program: Module 5 Dairy Cattle Economics. Columbus, OH. | 17 Attendees (Presentation)
02/05 Optimizing income over feed supplement cost. Ohio Dairy Health and Management Certificate Program: Module 5 Dairy Cattle Economics. Columbus, OH. | 17 Attendees (Presentation)
02/05 Economic analysis of switching milking frequency. Ohio Dairy Health and Management Certificate Program: Module 5 Dairy Cattle Economics. Columbus, OH. | 17 Attendees (Presentation)
02/02 Dairy management tools. South East Climate Consortium meeting. Gainesville, FL. | 27 Attendees
2009               (Number of talks = 5 | Attendees = 500)
11/20-11/13 The value of sexed semen reproductive programs. Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council Annual Meeting. 2 locations: Boise, ID; St. Paul, MN. | 250 Attendees (Presentation)
06/26 Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy. Washington State webinar. Seattle, WA. | 50 Attendees
06/11 Income over feed supplement cost decision support tool. Four-State Dairy Nutrition and Management Conference. Dubuque, IA. 2 times. | 70 Attendees (Presentation)
05/27 Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy. Greenstone Farm Credit meeting. Lansing, MI. | 60 Attendees (Presentation)
03/08 Price risk management using Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy. Dairy Policy Conference. Rochester, MN. | 70 Attendees (Presentation)
2008               (Number of talks = 1 | Attendees = 6)
06/12 Profit Opportunity Analyzer. Four-State Dairy Nutrition and ManHagement Post - Conference. Dubuque, IA. | 6 Attendees (Presentation)
2024             (Number of talks = 3 | Attendees = 380)
04/28 Dairy Management Decision Support Tools. Economic Challenges for Higher Productivity in the Dairy Industry. Czech Republic. | 40 Attendees
04/27 Dairy Management Decision Support Tools. Prediction of milk production and economic performance based on dairy herd dynamics. Lactation curves and other management factors. Management of reproduction and herd turnover for optimal profit of dairy farms. Seminar Czech Republic. | 300 Attendees
04/25 Dairy Management Decision Support Tools. Quest for Higher Productivity and Improved Management in the Dairy Industry. Czech Republic. | 40 Attendees
2023             (Number of talks = 23 | Attendees = 1666)
12/15 Dairy farm management tools workshop. ARAL - U. Milan. Brescia, Italy. | 30 Attendees
12/14 Management and its impact in the transition period. COMAZOO - GRANDA event. Brescia, Italy. | 150 Attendees
12/06 Nutritional grouping and economic value of dairy cows. Veneto group of farmers and consultants. | 6 Attendees
12/02 Ottimizzare la gestione della filiera lattiero-casearia tramite la zootecnia da latte di precisione. Consorzio di tutela con l’Università Cattolica Resiliencia del Grana Padano. | 20 Attendees (Link) (PDF)
12/01 Towards a sustainable future: Enhancing feed efficiency, nutritional precision, and environmental stewardship in dairy farming. Efficienza degli allevamenti da latte per migliorarne la sostenibilità economia ed ambientale. Fiera di Cremona Young Scientists Symposium. | 50 Attendees
11/30 DairyPrint model: Helping dairy farmers towards higher sustainability. La zootecnia di precisione: formazione e opportunità. La Commissione ASPA PLF. Fiera di Cremona, Italy. | 30 Attendees (Recording)
11/29 Alimentazione di precisione per migliorare l’efficienza dei nutrienti, la salute della mandria e la sostenibilità economica. Alimentazione di precisione, efficienza produttiva e sostenibilità economica. Kemin. Cavriago, Italy. | 100 Attendees
11/28 Dairy farm practical decision making. Bayer Italy Symposium. Relais Franciacorta, Corte Franca. | 120 Attendees
11/24 Markov chain use in dairy farming decision making. Polo territoriale di Cremona, Politecnico di Milano. | 10 Attendees
10/23 Decisioni aziendali guidate dai dati: i nuovi strumenti di gestione per le stalle da latte. Nord Ovest Digitale e Sostenibile. Centro Fieristico Strada 19 EST, Arborea, Italy. | 120 Attendees
10/18 Effective Dairy Farm Management and Data-Driven Decision-Making Applying AI. Gruppo Veronesi. Verona, Italy. | 20 Attendees
10/16 Data-driven decision making on dairy farms. Consorzio Agrario Cremona, Italy. | 25 Attendees
10/13 Dairy farm decision making. University of South Bohemia. České Budějovice, Czech Republic. | 10 Attendees
10/07 mproved profitability by optimal inventory of replacements using sexed and beef semen. Calf Start Event, Cremona, Italy. | 70 Attendees
10/02 Il dono dello scambio scientifico. Giornata del Dono. Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. Piacenza, Italy. | 15 Attendees
09/14 Effective Dairy Farm Management and Data-Driven Decision-Making Applying AI. Milk the Future Meeting. Sugar Plus. Cremona, Italy. | 250 Attendees
07/11 Advantages of involuntary culling and herd structure dynamics. 30 Anniversary Addisseo Webpodcast Series. | 300 Attendees (Link)
06/19 Dairy Brain: a step towards smarter management in dairy farms. Quality, safety, and sustainability of the dairy sector. PhD Research School. Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. | 25 Attendees
06/12 Decision support tools for dairy farm management. Adisseo French visitors. Madison. | 10 Attendees
06/09 Decision support tools for dairy farming. Quality, safety, and sustainability of the dairy sector. PhD Research School. Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. | 25 Attendees
05/26 Monitoring performance in dairy farming. ANEMBE, León, Spain. | 100 Attendees
05/24 Improving nutritional accuracy. ANEMBE, León, Spain. | 150 Attendees
05/17 Innovation in precision agriculture. Postgraduate Diploma in Science and Innovation. Munster Technological University, Ireland. | 30 Attendees
2022             (Number of talks = 5 | Attendees = 500)
12/07 Dairy cow feed efficiency and precision feeding. Phileo Happy Cow II - Symposium. December 7-8, 2022. Abu Dhabi, UAE. | 120 Attendees
10/29 The University of Wisconsin Dairy Brain. Biogensa II Congreso Virtual Internacional de Ganadería del futuro. Ecuador (Virtual). | 300 Attendees
10/21 Decision support and management in dairy farms. Czech Farmers and consultants visit Madison. | 20 Attendees
09/01 Dairy management tools in Wisconsin and the Dairy Brain project. U. Zurich, Switzerland. | 10 Attendees
05/24 nnovation in precision agriculture. Postgraduate Diploma in Science and Innovation. Munster Technological University, Ireland. | 50 Attendees
2021             (Number of talks = 8 | Attendees = 10400)
06/07 Dairy culling principles and its application to mastitis cases. Ingelheim Animal Health (Shanghai, China) Virtual Forum. | 2500 Attendees
05/07 Economics of using beef semen on dairy herds. VES-Artex Academy Webinar. | 400 Attendees
04/28 Economics of replacement decisions. Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health (Shanghai, China) Training Program. | 2000 Attendees
04/28 Tools to improve dairy profitability. Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health (Shanghai, China) Training Program. | 2000 Attendees
04/28 Reproduction economics in dairy farming. Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health (Shanghai, China) Training Program. | 2000 Attendees
03/29 Costo de los abortos en ganado lechero. MSD Salud Animal Video Conference. Mexico. | 500 Attendees
03/17 Controlling milk income over feed cost for enhanced profitability. ANEMBE, Spain. | 500 Attendees
02/22 Economics of robotic milking herds. Program of education of Maccarese, Italy. | 500 Attendees
2020             (Number of talks = 8 | Attendees = 11031)
12/03 The economic impact of reproductive efficiency. XXXIV Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Embryo Technology. | 500 Attendees
12/03 FeedVal: Economic evaluation of feeds for dairy cattle. Global International Conference Smart Farming Chile. | 350 Attendees
12/01 Somatic cell count and the value of the bulk tank milk. Four-day seminar to industry people in China. | 5 Attendees
11/19 Smart Dairy Farming: The vision of the University of Wisconsin Dairy Brain. Smart Dairy Farming Meeting. | 60 Attendees
09/30-12/05 Decision analysis on dairy farms. 4 1-hour conversations with China’s Boehringer professionals. Virtual. | 16 Attendees
08/07 Tools for decision making on dairy farms. Encuentro Anual de Medicina Veterinaria. Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria, Universidad Nacional Agraria de Costa Rica. | 100 Attendees
07/17 How to breed dairy cows for profitable breed. Farm Journal Meeting. | 0 Attendees
04/21-05/12 Dairy farm decision support tools. Dairy Farm Institute Webinar Series (3 talks). Harbin, China. | 10000 Attendees
2019             (Number of talks = 14 | Attendees = 1222)
12/17 Decision making and data utilization on dairy farms. Produktivität in Milchviehherden steigern. One-day seminar. Rotenburg, Germany. | 120 Attendees
12/14-12/16 Hands on dairy management decision support tools on dairy farms. Two-day workshop. Agro-Prax, Ankum, Germany. | 0 Attendees
12/11-12/13 Dairy management decision support tools. Three-day workshop. Herdenmanagement GmbH, Hofheim, Germany. | 30 Attendees
12/10 Decision support tools and data integration on dairy farms. Geld verdienen gesunden kühen, Hofheim, Germany. | 150 Attendees
12/03 Dairy management. 434 Dairy Herd Management, Animal Science, Iowa State University. One-hour webinar. | 0 Attendees
11/21-11/23 DairyMBA-economic decisions on dairy farms. Three-day workshop. FarmIN, Tomar, Portugal | 35 Attendees
11/20 Applications for dairy farm management. Nova Agro Vouga Program, Aveiro, Portugal | 250 Attendees
11/06 Data-driven decision-making on dairy farms. 19 Congreso Internacional de Médicos Veterinarios Zootecnistas Especialistas en Bovinos, Torreón, Mexico. | 150 Attendees
08/05-08/09 Economics and decision-making in dairy. One-week Level 4 Curriculum Course, Dairy Farm Institute, Harbin, China. | 35 Attendees
06/17-06/21 Herramientas para la toma de decisiones para manejo en tambos lecheros. Madison, Wisconsin (attendees from Argentina) | 24 Attendees
05/20 Developing a Dairy Brain. Madison, Wisconsin. (attendees from Czech Republic) | 8 Attendees
05/11 Desarrollando un cerebro lechero, integración de datos en tiempo real. Toma de decisiones óptimas. Expo Leche GILSA, Aguas Calientes, Mexico. | 120 Attendees
03/16 Economics of sexed, conventional, and beef semen according to market condition. Allflex China conference: Monitoring the life cycle of the cow, ZhouZhuang, China. | 150 Attendees
03/15 Developing a Dairy Brain: Real-time, data-integrated, data-driven, continuous modeling and decision-making engine. Allflex China conference: Monitoring the life cycle of the cow, ZhouZhuang, China. | 150 Attendees
2018             (Number of talks = 16 | Attendees = 1320)
12/17-12/21 Decision support tools in dairy farm management. Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, China. | 25 Attendees
11/19 Dairy farm management and decision support in dairy farms in Wisconsin. Tunghai University, Taiwan. | 100 Attendees
11/12-11/16 Dairy farm decision-making. Level 3 Dairy Farm Institute. Harbin, China. | 25 Attendees
10/30 Nutritional grouping in Quebec farms. Symposium sur les bovins laitiers 2018. Drummondville, Canada. | 400 Attendees
10/01 Dairy farm decision making. Word Dairy Expo seminar series. Chilean group. Madison, WI. | 0 Attendees
08/13 Decision support tools for dairy farm management. China Agricultural University, Beijing, China. | 20 Attendees
08/06-08/10 Economics and decision-making in dairy. Level 4 Dairy Farm Institute. Harbin, China. | 25 Attendees
07/04 A Dairy Farm Brain. International's Farm Systems Association. China, Greece. | 50 Attendees
06/08 Prediction of mastitis onset. ANEMBE, Vigo, Spain. | 100 Attendees
06/07 A Dairy Farm Brain. ANEMBE, Vigo, Spain. | 200 Attendees
06/06 Dairy farm grouping strategies. ANEMBE, Vigo, Spain. | 100 Attendees
06/05 Field fertility in Holstein bulls: Can type of breeding strategy (artificial insemination following estrus versus timed artificial insemination) alter service sire fertility? Sion-Israel, Tel Aviv, Israel. | 25 Attendees
06/04 Helping dairy farmers to improve economic performance utilizing data-driving decision support tools. Sion-Israel, Tel Aviv, Israel. | 60 Attendees
05/17 The dairy farm industry in Wisconsin. Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand. | 40 Attendees
04/10 The economics of reproductive programs and fertility of cows in dairy herds. II. Bölcsházy Day. Budapest, Hungary. | 150 Attendees
02/20 Dairy farm management in Wisconsin. Universidad de Caldas, Colombia. | 0 Attendees
2017             (Number of talks = 17 | Attendees = 2758)
12/05 Decision-making in dairy farm management. Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hangzhou, China | 20 Attendees
11/30 Cost benefits of new technologies. Phibro Technical Seminar. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. | 100 Attendees
10/30-11/03 International Course Nestle Dairy Farming Institute – Level 3 – Dairy farm economic decision making. Harbin, China. | 50 Attendees
10/14 Economics of dairy cattle improved fertility programs. VI National and I International Congress of Turkish Society of Veterinary Gynecology. Marmaris, Turkey | 0 Attendees
09/21-09/22 Workshop: Aspectos críticos para maximizar la rentabilidad de ganaderías lecheras. General Pico, Argentina. | 30 Attendees
09/18 Workshop: Aspectos críticos para maximizar la rentabilidad de ganaderías lecheras. Villa Maria, Argentina. | 70 Attendees
09/13 Economic impacts of mastitis. Strategic Account Management Program. Kusadasi, Turkey. | 60 Attendees
09/13 Strategic management options to maximize dairy farm profitability. Strategic Account Management Program. Kusadasi, Turkey. | 60 Attendees
08/07-08/11 International Graduate Study Course Nestle Dairy Farming Institute – Level 4. Advanced Dairy Herd Management. Harbin, China. | 18 Attendees
08/01 Herramientas de soporte para la toma de decisiones prácticas en el manejo de la ganadería lechera. XL Reunión Científica Anual, Asociación Peruana de Producción Animal. Universidad Nacional Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza, Chachapoyas, Peru. | 400 Attendees
06/30 Aspectos críticos para maximizar la rentabilidad de ganaderías lecheras. Congreso CEBS, Tilajari San Carlos, Costa Rica. | 500 Attendees
03/30 Kde sú ešte možnosti redukcie nákladov na farmách dojníc? AgroBiznis 2017. Nitra, Slovakia | 300 Attendees
03/28 Ekonomická hodnota dojnice. Meeting of the Holstein Association of Slovakia. Nitra, Slovakia | 200 Attendees
02/10 Reproductive economic management: tools and concepts. Cremona, Italy | 100 Attendees
02/09 Il valore economico di una bovina da latte e le sue enormi implicazioni. Cirio Agricola Dairy Meeting, Caserta, Italy. | 250 Attendees
02/08 Strategie di alimentazione per ottimizzare efficienza alimentare e profittabilità. Cirio Agricola Dairy Meeting, Caserta, Italy. | 300 Attendees
02/08 Gestione di opportunità strategiche per massimizzare il profitto di un allevamento da latte. Cirio Agricola Dairy Meeting, Caserta, Italy. | 300 Attendees
2016             (Number of talks = 14 | Attendees = 1145)
11/07-11/11 International Course Nestle Dairy Farming Institute – Level 3 – Dairy farm economic decision making. Harbin, China. | 20 Attendees
10/26 Workshop: Decision support tools for evaluating economics of reproductive programs. Wroclaw, Poland. | 25 Attendees
10/25 Economics of fertility in high-yielding dairy cows. Dairy reproductive conference. October 25-26, 2016. Wroclaw, Poland. | 100 Attendees
08/29-09/02 Helping dairy farmers to improve economic performance utilizing data-driven decision support system tools. 67th European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP). Belfast, U.K. | 100 Attendees
08/01 International Graduate Study Course Nestle Dairy Farming Institute – Level 4. Advanced Dairy Herd Management. Harbin, China. | 20 Attendees
06/14-06/17 The economic value of dairy cows. SK Farms. Bratislava, Slovakia. | 10 Attendees
05/25-05/28 Fertility associated economic losses of farms. 4th Health Management & Symposium 25-28 May 2016, Maritim Pine Beach Otel - Antalaya, Turkey | 400 Attendees (Paper) (Presentation)
05/20 Economic value of dairy cows. Department of Cattle Breeding, Institute of Animal Science, Prague, Czech Republic. | 150 Attendees (Presentation) (Article)
05/12 Alvarez, A., V. E. Cabrera, and J. Heras. Rangos de rentabilidad en explotaciones pequeñas y medianas de vacuno lechero en el noroeste de España durante el año 2015. ANEMBE 2016, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Spain. | 0 Attendees (Article)
05/11 Interacción entre la gestión reproductiva y la eficiencia económica: Herramienta Wisconsin-Cornell Dairy Repro. ANEMBE 2016 Seminario: Gestión de la reproducción en granja: Uso e interpretación de los datos reproductivos Santiago de Compostela, Spain. | 70 Attendees
04/27-04/28 Mejora de la Rentabilidad lechera a través de la recría. BLANCA from the Pyrenees, Spain. | 40 Attendees
04/12-04/14 GIORNATA BUIATRICA Ottimizzazione dei costi economici attraverso la buona gestione veterinaria: Dry cow period, Reproduction, Value of a cow. Reggio Emilia, Italy. | 120 Attendees (Article)
04/06-04/08 Efficiency improvement of dairy farms. BLANCA from the Pyrenees, Spain. | 50 Attendees
02/16-02/17 Economic efficiency of dairy farms. BLANCA from the Pyrenees, Spain. | 40 Attendees
2015             (Number of talks = 13 | Attendees = 310)
11/30-12/05 Assessing Economic Performance, Farm Management. Nestle Dairy Farming Institute. Harbin, China | 0 Attendees
11/16 Critical aspects to maximize dairy farm profitability. UAB. Barcelona, Spain | 25 Attendees (Presentation)
10/30 Critical aspects to maximize profitability in dairy farming. Fiera Internazionale del Bovino da Latte. Cremona, Italy | 100 Attendees (Presentation in Italian)
10/21 Wisconsin research advancement and vision for the future. IRTA, Torre Marimon, Barcelona, Spain. | 15 Attendees
10/13-10/15 Dairy farm reproduction improvement. BLANCA from the Pyrenees, Spain. | 0 Attendees
10/08 The money you would gain by improving herd fertility. CEVA Herd Health Symposium. Carts Resort, North Cyprus. | 100 Attendees
10/07-10/09 The effect of parasitic diseases on fertility and the economy of dairy herds. CEVA Symposium. Carts Hotel, Cyprus | 0 Attendees (Presentation)
09/14-09/16 Decisiones de manejo para la mejora de la rentabilidad de fincas ganaderas lecheras. Rio Cuarto, Cordoba, Argentina. | 0 Attendees
09/09 Economic decisions of abrupt vs. gradual dry-off in dairy cattle. CDP Blanca from the Pyrenees, Catalonia, Spain. | 0 Attendees
07/27-08/01 International Graduate Study Course Nestle Dairy Farming Institute – Level 4. Advanced Dairy Herd Management. Harbin, China. | 20 Attendees
06/22-06/26 Evaluation of collaboration venues with Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia. | 0 Attendees
04/14-04/16 Estrous Detection, Timed AI, or a Combination. CEVA - Ruminant Global Technical Meeting. Berlin, Germany | 50 Attendees (Presentation) (Paper)
01/13-01/14 Reproduction management and its economic value. Wisconsin University Worksop - Practical High Level Dairy Management. Barcelona, Spain. | 0 Attendees (Presentation)
2014             (Number of talks = 17 | Attendees = 1900)
11/18 Strategies to improve economic efficiency. Shur-Gain Dairy Seminar for Veterinarians. Stratford, Canada. | 120 Attendees (Presentation)
10/24 Dairy farm decision-making using tools. Farm La Querencia, Lurín, Lima, Peru. | 0 Attendees (Presentation in Spanish)
10/22 Dairy farm production systems. XXXVII Reunión Científica de la Asociación Peruana de Producción Animal - APPA. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Universidad Micaela Bastidas, Abancay, Perú. | 200 Attendees (Presentation in Spanish)
10/21 Reproductive economic decisions. Seminario Internacional Innovación en Reproducción. Pre-Congreso XXXVII Reunión Científica de la Asociación Peruana de Producción Animal - APPA. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Universidad Micaela Bastidas, Abancay, Perú. | 50 Attendees (Presentation in Spanish)
10/21 Selected group of decision support tools for dairy farm management. Seminario Internacional Innovación en Reproducción. Pre-Congreso XXXVII Reunión Científica de la Asociación Peruana de Producción Animal - APPA. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Universidad Micaela Bastidas, Abancay, Perú. | 50 Attendees (Presentation in Spanish)
09/26-09/27 Sustainable production of dairy farm systems. VI Brazilian Symposium on Sustainable Agriculture and III International Symposium on Sustainable Agriculture, Federal University of Vicosa. Minas Gerais, Brazil. | 0 Attendees (Presentation)
06/26 The application of simulators to improve profitability of dairy farms.XIX International Congress of Bovine Medicine. Oviedo, Spain. | 200 Attendees (Presentation in Spanish)
06/26 Group feeding management in dairy farming. XIX International Congress of Bovine Medicine. Oviedo, Spain. | 200 Attendees (Presentation in Spanish)
06/12 Group feeding. Improvement of the dairy farm enterprise. Continued Professional Development. Blanca from the Pyrenees. Lleida, Spain. | 20 Attendees (Presentation in Spanish)
06/12 Labor management and organization. Improvement of the dairy farm enterprise. Continued Professional Development. Blanca from the Pyrenees. Lleida, Spain. | 20 Attendees (Presentation in Spanish)
06/12 The herd value and its management implications. Improvement of the dairy farm enterprise. Continued Professional Development. Blanca from the Pyrenees. Lleida, Spain. 10-12 June 2014. | 20 Attendees (Presentation in Spanish)
06/12 The cow value and its management implications. Improvement of the dairy farm enterprise. Continued Professional Development. Blanca from the Pyrenees. Lleida, Spain. 10-12 June 2014. | 20 Attendees (Presentation in Spanish)
06/11 Feed price management. Improvement of the dairy farm enterprise. Continued Professional Development. Blanca from the Pyrenees. Lleida, Spain. 10-12 June 2014. | 20 Attendees (Presentation in Spanish)
06/11 Value of reproductive programs. Improvement of the dairy farm enterprise. Continued Professional Development. Blanca from the Pyrenees. Lleida, Spain. 10-12 June 2014. | 20 Attendees (Presentation in Spanish)
06/10 The challenge of growing the dairy farm. Improvement of the dairy farm enterprise. Continued Professional Development. Blanca from the Pyrenees. Lleida, Spain. 10-12 June 2014. | 20 Attendees (Presentation in Spanish)
03/12 Decision support tools for dairy farm management and decision-making with emphasis on reproduction and nutrition. First workshop of Alta-Cialis Advantage Group. Junín, Santa Fe, San Francisco, Esperanza, Argentina. Four times. | 40 Attendees
03/12 Strategies to Improve Economic Efficiency of the Dairy. 32nd Annual Western Canadian Dairy Seminar. Strategies to Optimize Performance. Red Deer, Alberta, Canada | 900 Attendees (Presentation)
2013             (Number of talks = 37 | Attendees = 3377)
11/21-01/01 decision support tools: Economics of reproductive programs in dairy cattle. Top Direction Program for Milk Producers Entrepreneurs. Tecnologico de Monterrey. Torreon, Mexico. | 0 Attendees
11/21-01/01 decision support tools: FeedVal 2012. Top Direction Program for Milk Producers Entrepreneurs. Tecnologico de Monterrey. Torreon, Mexico. | 0 Attendees
11/06 decision support tools. Mexico-Toluca visitors. Madison, WI. | 0 Attendees
11/05 and dairy cattle reproductive efficiency evaluation. Genus ABS Global TS Meeting. Worldwide attendees. Madison, WI. | 0 Attendees
10/03 Dairy management decision support tools at Consultants from Israel. | 15 Attendees
10/01 Integrated dairy farm economic and environmental assessment of management strategies. Milkpoint group from Brazil. Attendees from Brazil. | 20 Attendees (Presentation)
09/27 Dairy management decision support tools at CREA Argentina group meeting. Argentina. | 20 Attendees
09/11 Decision making tools for dairy producers. 13th INTERLEITE. International Symposium on Competitive Milk Production. Uberlandia, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. | 850 Attendees (Presentation) (Presentation in Protuguese)
09/10 Determining the true value of dairy feeds. 13th INTERLEITE. Advanced Course of Decision-Making Tools for Dairy Farms. Uberlandia, Minas Gerais, Brazil. | 41 Attendees (Presentation)
09/10 Economic evaluation of reproductive programs for cows. 13th INTERLEITE. Advanced Course of Decision-Making Tools for Dairy Farms. Uberlandia, Minas Gerais, Brazil. | 41 Attendees (Presentation)
09/10 Nutritional grouping strategies for dairy lactating cows. 13th INTERLEITE. Advanced Course of Decision-Making Tools for Dairy Farms. Uberlandia, Minas Gerais, Brazil. | 41 Attendees (Presentation)
09/10 True pregnancy rate of heifers and optimal raising patterns. 13th INTERLEITE. Advanced Course of Decision-Making Tools for Dairy Farms. Uberlandia, Minas Gerais, Brazil. | 41 Attendees (Presentation)
09/10 Economic value of a dairy cow and optimal replacement policies: Part 2. 13th INTERLEITE. Advanced Course of Decision-Making Tools for Dairy Farms. Uberlandia, Minas Gerais, Brazil. | 41 Attendees (Presentation)
09/10 Economic value of a dairy cow and optimal replacement policies: Part 1. 13th INTERLEITE. Advanced Course of Decision-Making Tools for Dairy Farms. Uberlandia, Minas Gerais, Brazil. | 41 Attendees (Presentation)
07/23 Economic impact of dairy cow management. Czech Summer School. Jistebnice, Czech Republic. | 40 Attendees (Presentation) (Presentation in Czech)
07/22 Economic models for dairy management evaluation. Czech Summer School. Prague, Czech Republic. | 15 Attendees (Presentation)
07/18 Mastitis economics and Web-based decision support tools. Czech Summer School. Jihlava, Czech Republic. | 200 Attendees (Presentation) (Presentation in Czech)
07/17 Principles of dairy herd management economic evaluation. Czech Summer School. Brno, Czech Republic. | 40 Attendees (Presentation)
07/17 Effect of mastitis on milk production and profitability. Czech Summer School. Brno, Czech Republic. | 40 Attendees (Presentation)
07/05 Strategies for nutritional grouping. Congreso ESGAL 2013. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. | 70 Attendees (Presentation)
07/05 Economic impact of reproductive performance. Congreso ESGAL 2013. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. | 70 Attendees (Presentation)
06/11 Tools for decision-making. Babcock Institute SanCor (Argentina) Training Program. Madison, WI. Attendees from Argentina. | 26 Attendees (Presentation)
05/17 The economic value of a dairy cow. COPRINSEM Annual Meeting. San Fernando, Chile. | 60 Attendees
05/17 Nutritional grouping strategies for lactating cows. COPRINSEM Annual Meeting. San Fernando, Chile. | 60 Attendees (Presentation)
05/15 Dairy management decision support tools available at the UW-Dairy Management website. COPRINSEM Annual Meeting. Osorno, Chile. | 15 Attendees
05/14 The economic value of a dairy cow. COPRINSEM Annual Meeting. Osorno, Chile. | 400 Attendees (Presentation)
05/14 Economic value of reproductive management programs in dairy farming. COPRINSEM Annual Meeting. Osorno, Chile. | 400 Attendees (Presentation)
05/14 Nutritional grouping strategies for lactating cows. COPRINSEM Annual Meeting. Osorno, Chile. | 400 Attendees (Presentation)
05/09 The economic impact of clinical mastitis: Direct and indirect losses. 2013 Mercolactea Seminar Series. San Francisco, Argentina. (TV interview) | 90 Attendees (Presentation)
05/07 Economic analysis of culls and replacements: Part II. 2013 Pre-Mercolactea Seminar Series. San Francisco, Argentina. | 35 Attendees
05/07 Economic analysis of culls and replacements: Part I. 2013 Pre-Mercolactea Seminar Series. San Francisco, Argentina. | 35 Attendees (Presentation)
05/06 Economic effect of switching from 2 to 3 daily milkings. 2013 Pre-Mercolactea Seminar Series. San Francisco, Argentina. | 35 Attendees (Presentation)
05/06 The economic impact of clinical mastitis: Direct and indirect losses. 2013 Pre-Mercolactea Seminar Series. San Francisco, Argentina. | 35 Attendees (Presentation)
04/24 The need for collecting and using farm records. La Molina Agrarian University and Association of Dairy Farm Small Producers San Felipe. Huacho, Peru. | 120 Attendees (Presentation)
04/17 Economics of different breeding programs in dairy heifers. CEVA Santé Animale. Barcelona, Spain. | 32 Attendees (Presentation)
02/20 Dairy management decision support tools available at the UW-Dairy Management website. Madison, WI. Attendees from Czech Republic. | 8 Attendees
02/06 The UW-DairyRepro$Plus to value reproductive programs in Japan. Veterinarian Services Webinar. Gunma, Japan. | 0 Attendees
2012             (Number of talks = 13 | Attendees = 331)
11/22 Financial status of an enterprise. Technological University of Costa Rica. San Carlos, Costa Rica. | 18 Attendees (Presentation)
11/22 Buy or sale an enterprise. Technological University of Costa Rica. San Carlos, Costa Rica. | 18 Attendees (Presentation)
11/20 Systems to help in the decisions of economic analysis on dairy cattle reproductive programs. Veritas University, Veterinarian School. Heredia, Costa Rica. | 45 Attendees (Presentation)
11/19 Systems to help in the decisions of economic analysis on dairy cattle reproductive programs. Costa Rica Agrarian National University, Veterinarian School. Heredia, Costa Rica. | 43 Attendees (Presentation)
10/08 Economics of reproductive programs. Madison, WI. Attendees from Bulgaria. | 0 Attendees (Presentation)
08/23 Economic value of a dairy cow. Visitors from Czech Republic. Madison, Wi. Attendees from Czech Republic. | 0 Attendees (Presentation)
08/17 Cash flow for a farm business enterprise. CRSP Hort USAID. Madison, WI. Attendees from Central America. | 0 Attendees (Presentation)
08/17 Balance of income and expenses for a farm business enterprise. CRSP Hort USAID. Madison, WI. Attendees from Central America. | 0 Attendees (Presentation)
07/05 The UW-DairyRepro$Plus to analyze the use of heat detection devices. Westfalia-GEA Webinar. Lima, Peru. | 0 Attendees
06/28 Cow value, the value of a new pregnancy, and the cost of an abortion. International Symposium: Advancements in Milk Production. Lima, Peru. | 130 Attendees (Presentation)
06/27 Dairy management decision support systems to improve milk production. La Molina Agrarian University meeting. Lima, Peru. | 28 Attendees
05/29 Determining the cow value and perform replacement decisions. University of Pristine. Department of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Agriculture. Pristine, Kosovo. | 45 Attendees (Presentation)
05/29 Benchmarking dairy farms. Kosovo Ministry of Agriculture meeting. Pristine, Kosovo. | 4 Attendees
2011             (Number of talks = 12 | Attendees = 760)
11/25 Economics of dairy reproduction. USAID Farmer-to-Farmer program. Camoapa, Nicaragua. | 0 Attendees (Presentation)
11/25 Benchmarking income over feed cost in dairy farms. USAID Farmer-to-Farmer program. Camoapa, Nicaragua | 0 Attendees (Presentation)
11/25 The farm business plan. Seeds of Hope meeting. Granada, Nicaragua. | 0 Attendees (Presentation)
11/18 Economics of reproduction in Argentinian conditions. DairyTech Annual Meeting. Rosario, Argentina. | 100 Attendees (Presentation)
11/18 The value of improving the 21-day pregnancy rate in dairy cattle. DairyTech Annual Meeting. Rosario, Argentina. | 100 Attendees (Presentation)
11/18 Analysis of Argentina reproduction parameters. DairyTech Annual Meeting. Rosario, Argentina. | 100 Attendees (Presentation)
10/24 The UW-DairyRepro$ decision support system. UW-Madison Babcock Institute USDA Cochran Program Meeting. Madison, WI. Attendees from Bosnia-Herzegovina. | 0 Attendees (Presentation)
08/22 The UW-DairyRepro$ decision support system. UW-Madison Babcock Institute Land O’Lakes Program Meeting. Madison, WI. Attendees from Philippines. | 0 Attendees (Presentation)
06/16 Benchmarking and analyzing income over feed cost in dairy farm systems. International Symposium: Advancements in Milk Production. Lima, Peru. | 150 Attendees (Presentation)
06/16 Economics of reproductive programs in dairy farming. International Symposium: Advancements in Milk Production. Lima, Peru. | 150 Attendees (Presentation)
06/14 Economics of reproductive programs in dairy farming. Andes University Symposium. Huancayo, Peru. | 60 Attendees (Presentation)
05/12 Price risk management and least cost contracts with Livestock Gross Margin for Dairy. AgroMoney Symposium. Mexico City, Mexico. | 100 Attendees (Presentation)
2010             (Number of talks = 14 | Attendees = 372)
12/01 Development of farm decision support tools. Seeds of Hope meeting. San Pedro de Sula, Honduras. | 25 Attendees (Presentation)
11/08 UW-DairyRepro$ decision support system. UW-Madison Babcock Institute Program Meeting. Madison, WI. Attendees from Philippines. | 0 Attendees (Presentation)
10/05 Dairy farming in Wisconsin. UW-Madison Babcock Institute Cochran Program Meeting. Madison, WI. Attendees from Venezuela. | 14 Attendees (Presentation)
10/05 UW-DairyRepro$ decision support system. UW-Madison Babcock Institute Program Meeting. Madison, WI. Attendees from South and Central America. | 0 Attendees (Presentation)
10/05 UW-DairyRepro$ decision support system. UW-Madison Babcock Institute Program Meeting. Madison, WI. Attendees from Iran, China, and Russia. | 0 Attendees (Presentation)
05/13 The economics of using sexed semen in dairy farming. Mercolactea Seminar Series. San Francisco, Argentina. | 70 Attendees (Presentation)
05/13 Dairy management and decision-making decision support tools. Mercolactea Seminar Series. San Francisco, Argentina. | 60 Attendees (Presentation)
05/12 The economics of using sexed semen in dairy farming. APROCAL-Babcock workshop. San Francisco, Argentina. | 30 Attendees (Presentation)
05/12 Replacement decisions in dairy farming. APROCAL-Babcock workshop. San Francisco, Argentina. | 30 Attendees (Presentation)
05/12 The income over feed cost, income over feed supplement cost and benchmarking analyses. APROCAL-Babcock workshop. San Francisco, Argentina. | 30 Attendees (Presentation)
05/12 The decision of switching between 2 and 3 milking times in a day. APROCAL-Babcock workshop. San Francisco, Argentina. | 30 Attendees (Presentation)
05/12 Dairy management decision support systems. APROCAL-Babcock workshop. San Francisco, Argentina. | 30 Attendees (Presentation)
04/05 Dairy management webpage. COOPRINSEM meeting. Osorno, Chile | 25 Attendees
03/23 Strategies for supplementation in grazing dairy farms. International meeting of milk production systems. Tepatitlan, Mexico. | 28 Attendees (Presentation)
2009             (Number of talks = 4 | Attendees = 560)
11/04 The value of sexed semen programs. Ferraroni S.P.A. Dairy Farm School webinar. Sardine, Italy. | 40 Attendees (Presentation)
11/04 The cost-benefit of accelerated feeding programs. Ferraroni S.P.A. Dairy Farm School webinar. Sardine, Italy. | 40 Attendees (Paper)
06/26-06/22 The value of sexed semen reproductive programs. 2nd Regional Encounter of ALPURA. Mexico. 5 locations: Chihuahua, Torreon, Mexico City, Queretaro, Leon. | 240 Attendees (Paper)
06/26-06/22 Optimizing the income over feed supplement cost. 2nd Regional Encounter of ALPURA. Mexico. 5 locations: Chihuahua, Torreon, Mexico City, Queretaro, Leon. | 240 Attendees (Paper)
2008             (Number of talks = 1 | Attendees = 3)
08/08 Dairy management. UW-Madison Babcock Institute Program Meeting. Madison, WI. Attendees from Philippines. | 3 Attendees (Presentation)